Episode 20: The White Album with a Bunch of Yokos

Hear how we started a revolution! Pointy and Moose recorded an episode about The White Album on the way to see Australian rock icons Chris Cheney, Phil Jamieson, Josh Pyke and Tim Rogers perform this classic Beatles record from start to finish. There's also a quick recap of the show itself towards the end. Bunch of Yoko's!

Episode 19: Stonefield and Dan Sultan at the Cambridge Hotel

On the 10th of July we went to the Cambridge Hotel in Newcastle to see Stonefield and Dan Sultan play. Hear us chat before the show about seagulls, the pronunciation of prelude, the lost Splitting Cases episode, our new spin off podcasts and what gigs we got to in the first half of 2014. We also had a quick chat about the show itself after both Stonefield and Dan Sultan played.

Episode 14: Australian Rock with Nick Milligan

Australia recently lost two great Aussie Rock icons in Doc Neeson and Jim Keays. To pay tribute to these two legends, Pointy and The Moose caught up with music journalist and author Nick Milligan to talk all about Aussie Rock. We talked for hours and the case was well and truly split, so much so that we have had to split this episode in half. Here is part one covering the 60s to the 90s.

Episode XIII: Star Wars Movie Marathon

Let's get our nerd on. On May The Fourth Pointy and The Moose spent the weekend watching all six Star Wars movies at a two day movie marathon. Nothing Cutesy and Hannah joined us on the first day for the prequel trilogy and Hannah tapped in our friend Randall for the original trilogy on the second day. It was Nothing Cutesy's first time watching all the movies so it was very interesting to get her take on the series. Enjoy!

Episode 11: Ham Steak with Infinity Broke

The gents from Infinity Broke were kind enough to have a quick chat with us before their show at the Lass O'Gowrie Hotel in Newcastle last week. We cover off 80s Australiania, first high school bands, what should be left in the 80s, Infinity Broke and more. Head to infinitybroke.bandcamp.com to listen to a sample of their debut album 'River Mirrors'. We highly recommend it, definitely one of the best albums released this year!

Episode 07: Smurfing at the Hunter Record Fair

Back in March, Pointy and the Moose attended the Hunter Record Fair and made off with quite the haul! Listen to them at the fair and afterwards at the pub for a debrief on their respective purchases. Guest appearance (amongst others) by Schnitzel, whom keen listeners may remember from episode 2.